Karl-Heinz Meyer

Masking and unmasking – that is in the broadest sense the theme of Karl-Heinz Meyer. Whether it is a matter of “carnival”, in which people in disguise appear more natural and true than in their “real” harmless everyday life, or whether it is a matter of people who put themselves on display without clothes and… Continue reading Karl-Heinz Meyer

Thomas Rieck

Identity refers to perfect agreement with the self and the world, to the balance between opposites. Thomas Rieck translates the feelings released in the perception of contradictions into the pictorial in a masterful handling of material and technique.

Gustav Gildemeister

Gildemeister changed his painting style around 1906 to a loosely stippled, pointillist style of painting and a light, radiant and clear color palette. Not the pure reproduction of nature, but the pictorial realization of moods and atmosphere was increasingly at the center of his artistic interest, combined with a new emphasis on color, which he… Continue reading Gustav Gildemeister

Fritz Burmann

Fritz Burmann was a member of the Deutscher Künstlerbund.[10] In 1933 he was appointed a full member of the Prussian Academy of Arts.[11] From 1936 until his death Burmann was a professor at the Prussian Academy of Arts in Berlin.[12] In his own work (paintings, stained glass windows) Burmann never abandoned representationalism.

Rudolf Hradil

Since the early 1960s Rudolf Hradil has devoted himself to watercolor. It became for him, the restless traveler, next to the drawing, the preferred means of expression. Vienna, Paris, the South of France, Italy, and there especially Rome and Venice, Greece and briefly the USA were the countries in which he practiced and perfected this… Continue reading Rudolf Hradil

Nanne Meyer

Central to Nanne Meyer’s work since the late 1970s has been the medium of drawing, “understood as a process of becoming and passing away, characterized by attentive perception, an experimental approach, as well as an associative approach”. The relationship between the language of words and drawing forms another focus of her work.

Yael Niemeyer

In Yael Niemeyer’s paintings, no color stands still, and every color is as good and important as any other color. Yet every nuance of color eludes exact namability. The gestural painting process seems to lead cognition into the uncertain and imprecise, but sensual perception is not only a vicarious agent of the cognitive, but perhaps… Continue reading Yael Niemeyer

Fritz Klingbeil

Fritz Klingbeil’s work lives through the charm of constantly newly found orders. This is where freedom and playful freedom unfold, which are by no means arbitrary, but consistently follow a constructive logic. Like building blocks, the artistic elements are connected and broken again, are they multiplied or have an effect individually. They seem scalable in… Continue reading Fritz Klingbeil